Stay in Gurgaon – City Portal Website Design
Your city’s website should be a visual representation of your community and reflect the values of its people, and the vibe of its streets.
Stay in Gurgaon is a city portal website design project and is web hosted with us.
It inspires your planning and gets you thinking about the style, form, and functionality that will help you meet your civic engagement goals, and provide you with a website your whole community will be proud to call its home(page).
One of the most popular city portal website trends is flat design.
Stay in Gurgaon uses this style of interface design takes a minimalist approach, emphasizing clean, open spaces, crisp edges, bright colors, and two-dimensional illustrations.
While designing a city portal website, it is important that:
- City portal website design keeps in mind that different user types, or personas, will be using the website.
- City portal website design uses UX best practices to structure website elements, such as navigation and site flow.